* LABELAUTY jQuery Plugin
* @file: jquery-labelauty.js
* @author: Francisco Neves (@fntneves)
* @site: www.francisconeves.com
* @license: MIT License
(function( $ ){
$.fn.labelauty = function( options )
* Our default settings
* Hope you don't need to change anything, with these settings
var settings = $.extend(
// Development Mode
// This will activate console debug messages
development: false,
// Trigger Class
// This class will be used to apply styles
class: "labelauty",
// Use text label ?
// If false, then only an icon represents the input
label: true,
// Separator between labels' messages
// If you use this separator for anything, choose a new one
separator: "|",
// Default Checked Message
// This message will be visible when input is checked
checked_label: "Checked",
// Default UnChecked Message
// This message will be visible when input is unchecked
unchecked_label: "Unchecked",
// Force random ID's
// Replace original ID's with random ID's,
force_random_id: false,
// Minimum Label Width
// This value will be used to apply a minimum width to the text labels
minimum_width: false,
// Use the greatest width between two text labels ?
// If this has a true value, then label width will be the greatest between labels
same_width: true
}, options);
* Let's create the core function
* It will try to cover all settings and mistakes of using
return this.each(function()
var migrateDeduplicateWarnings = jQuery.migrateDeduplicateWarnings || false;
if (settings.development) jQuery.migrateDeduplicateWarnings = false;
var $object = $( this );
var selected = $object.is(':checked');
var type = $object.attr('type');
var use_labels = true;
var labels;
var labels_object;
var input_id;
//Get the aria label from the input element
var aria_label = $object.attr( "aria-label" );
// Hide the object form screen readers
$object.attr( "aria-hidden", true );
// Test if object is a check input
// Don't mess me up, come on
if( $object.is( ":checkbox" ) === false && $object.is( ":radio" ) === false )
return this;
// Add "labelauty" class to all checkboxes
// So you can apply some custom styles
$object.addClass( settings.class );
// Get the value of "data-labelauty" attribute
// Then, we have the labels for each case (or not, as we will see)
labels = $object.attr( "data-labelauty" );
use_labels = settings.label;
// It's time to check if it's going to the right way
// Null values, more labels than expected or no labels will be handled here
if( use_labels === true )
if( labels == null || labels.length === 0 )
// If attribute has no label and we want to use, then use the default labels
labels_object = new Array();
labels_object[0] = settings.unchecked_label;
labels_object[1] = settings.checked_label;
// Ok, ok, it's time to split Checked and Unchecked labels
// We split, by the "settings.separator" option
labels_object = labels.split( settings.separator );
// Now, let's check if exist _only_ two labels
// If there's more than two, then we do not use labels :(
// Else, do some additional tests
if( labels_object.length > 2 )
use_labels = false;
debug( settings.development, "There's more than two labels. LABELAUTY will not use labels." );
// If there's just one label (no split by "settings.separator"), it will be used for both cases
// Here, we have the possibility of use the same label for both cases
if( labels_object.length === 1 )
debug( settings.development, "There's just one label. LABELAUTY will use this one for both cases." );
* Let's begin the beauty
// Start hiding ugly checkboxes
// Obviously, we don't need native checkboxes :O
$object.css({ display : "none" });
// We don't need more data-labelauty attributes!
// Ok, ok, it's just for beauty improvement
$object.removeAttr( "data-labelauty" );
// Now, grab checkbox ID Attribute for "label" tag use
// If there's no ID Attribute, then generate a new one
input_id = $object.attr( "id" );
if( settings.force_random_id || input_id == null || input_id.trim() === "")
var input_id_number = 1 + Math.floor( Math.random() * 1024000 );
input_id = "labelauty-" + input_id_number;
// Is there any element with this random ID ?
// If exists, then increment until get an unused ID
while( $( input_id ).length !== 0 )
input_id = "labelauty-" + input_id_number;
debug( settings.development, "Holy crap, between 1024 thousand numbers, one raised a conflict. Trying again." );
$object.attr( "id", input_id );
// Now, add necessary tags to make this work
// Here, we're going to test some control variables and act properly
var element = jQuery(create( input_id, aria_label, selected, type, labels_object, use_labels ))
element.on('click', function(){
$(element).attr('aria-checked', false);
$(element).attr('aria-checked', true);
element.on('keypress', function(event){
if(event.keyCode === 32 || event.keyCode === 13){
$object.prop('checked', false);
$object.prop('checked', true);
$(element).attr('aria-checked', true);
// Now, add "min-width" to label
// Let's say the truth, a fixed width is more beautiful than a variable width
if( settings.minimum_width !== false )
$object.next( "label[for=" + input_id + "]" ).css({ "min-width": settings.minimum_width });
// Now, add "min-width" to label
// Let's say the truth, a fixed width is more beautiful than a variable width
if( settings.same_width != false && settings.label == true )
var label_object = $object.next( "label[for=" + input_id + "]" );
var unchecked_width = getRealWidth(label_object.find( "span.labelauty-unchecked" ));
var checked_width = getRealWidth(label_object.find( "span.labelauty-checked" ));
if( unchecked_width > checked_width )
label_object.find( "span.labelauty-checked" ).width( unchecked_width );
label_object.find( "span.labelauty-unchecked" ).width( checked_width );
if (settings.development) jQuery.migrateDeduplicateWarnings = migrateDeduplicateWarnings;
* Tricky code to work with hidden elements, like tabs.
* Note: This code is based on jquery.actual plugin.
* https://github.com/dreamerslab/jquery.actual
function getRealWidth( element )
var width = 0;
var $target = element;
var style = 'position: absolute !important; top: -1000 !important; ';
$target = $target.clone().attr('style', style).appendTo('body');
width = $target.width(true);
return width;
function debug( debug, message )
if( debug && window.console && window.console.log )
window.console.log( "jQuery-LABELAUTY: " + message );
function create( input_id, aria_label, selected, type, messages_object, label )
var block;
var unchecked_message;
var checked_message;
var aria = "";
if( messages_object == null )
unchecked_message = checked_message = "";
unchecked_message = messages_object[0];
// If checked message is null, then put the same text of unchecked message
if( messages_object[1] == null )
checked_message = unchecked_message;
checked_message = messages_object[1];
if(aria_label == null)
aria = "";
aria = 'tabindex="0" role="' + type + '" aria-checked="' + selected + '" aria-label="' + aria_label + '"';
if( label == true )
block = '';
block = '';
return block;
}( jQuery ));
Способы вывода средств на карту в Комета Казино ☄️Перейти в Казино Комета Для игроков, стремящихся управлять своими финансами после успешной игры комета казино зеркало рабочее на сегодня платформе, важно знать, как обеспечить беспроблемный перевод выигрышей на свои банковские счета. Этот процесс включает несколько ключевых этапов, которые необходимо учитывать, чтобы избежать трудностей и обеспечить эффективное использование […]